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tentu saja bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tentu saja"
  • tentu:    definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet;
  • saja:    only; nevertheless; all; alone; simply; ever;
  • tentu saja ada:    there is of course
  • tentu saja tidak!:    no fear
  • tentu saja/sungguh:    simpliciter
  • tentu:    definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet; assign; determinate; sure enough; positive; of course; positively; sure; delegate; definitely; definitive; physically; depute; fixed; natural; natural
  • saja:    only; nevertheless; all; alone; simply; ever; uniquely; just; but; precisely; nothing but; yet; mitigative; purely; merely; exactly; exclusively; for all that; just now; still
  • bilangan tentu:    definite number
  • integral tentu:    definite integral
  • statis tentu:    statically determined
  • sudah tentu:    naturally; obviously; of course
  • tak tentu:    indefinite; indeterminate
  • tentu sahaja:    certainly
  • tentu tidak:    not likely!
  • tidak tentu:    at loose ends; indefinite; without day
  • Results vary, of course. This is pretty typical.
    Hasil beragam, tentu saja. Hal ini cukup khas.
  • Most definitely you don't want to pay the bribe.
    Tentu saja Anda tidak ingin membayar suap.
  • We're also getting, of course, a lot of LOLcats.
    Banyak juga, tentu saja, yang mirip LOLcats
  • But, of course, I needed help and funds.
    Namun, tentu saja, saya perlu bantuan dan dana.
  • And this is of course not the end of it.
    Tentu saja ini bukan yang terakhir.
  • But, of course, our secular religion is technology.
    Tapi, tentu saja, agama sekuler kita adalah teknologi.
  • Cornel West says, "Of course it's a failure.
    Cornel West berkata, "Tentu saja itu sebuah kegagalan,
  • Of course they must be more energy-efficient.
    Tentu saja mereka harus lebih efisien dalam menggunakan energi.
  • You feel frightened. Of course you feel frightened.
    Anda merasa takut. Tentu saja Anda merasa takut.
  • Of course you don't. Very few people do.
    Tentu saja tidak. Sangat sedikit orang yang mendukung.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5